AGE: 26
SEX: male
LOCATION: williamsburg, brooklyn
1. What is the craziest thing you have ever done in a chair?
Raul: We'll do this later.
Me: No, we'll do this now.
Raul: We'll do this another time. No, don't write this down, this is gonna be terrible.
2. How do you feel about anal beads?
Raul: What color?
Me: Red, white and blue.
Raul: I'm color blind, but I love america.
Me: Solid answer. I forget you're a gemini sometimes, that's how good you are.
3. Which music video best describes you and why?
Raul: I'm trying to order a drink (middle finger)
Me: You're not even....
Raul: Blame it on the tetons by Modest Mouse okay?!
Me: You're just saying that because we reminisced about the song earlier.
Raul: Yeah, I am okay?
Me: Okay.
4. I see there is a tiny kitty cat hair in your dread. Care to explain?
Raul: She's the most perfect lady. Get over it.
Me: You're being a dickhead.
Raul: I love you. Don't worry.
Me: I'm not worried. What could come between this pisces-gemini connection?
Raul: Nothing. Well, a capricorn maybe.
5. Okay, I know you're so mad I'm making you do this interview. Last one, describe me in three words.
Raul: Tall, drunk, blackout
Me: Lies.
Raul: Where's a condom?
Me: I love you.
This is so wrong that I found this on so many levels, but I couldn't help but crack up with laughter the entire time I was reading this. Serves me right for not wanting to anything but lay around all day.